So very very clever, you are an amazing artist. - Jenny
We love our painting, so much better than we even imagined! - Jade
Your artwork blew my mind - Sarah
I was so impressed by his first painting, I ordered 2 more, incredible work!
Kevin - President & COO at Alto Pharmacy
Love Harry's work. He is such a talent and a lovely humble artist. - Anna
Stunning artwork - Laurel
Your artwork is incredible - Tracey
This is amazing - Anonymous
Amazing art - Julia
The way that you captured this absolute brightness -- amazing. Super well done!!
Ah. The pen work is so nice. I feel like I can see your presence in the lines because they aren't mechanical, but still so smoothly rendered. Beautiful drawing - Andrew
Spectacular - Veronica
Excellent only a few can do this on this planet - Tejas
Dude! are you drawing upside down! incredible! - James
Wow! Amazing - Ben
Perfect drawing - Medla
Absolutely brilliant!! - Jane (interior designer)
Got my peoples choice vote - Amazing! - Beverley
Great choice, and well done. Brilliant. I love it. It’s a great choice, because it’s Martin Luther King. And he’s possibly one of the most important people of the 20th century - Charles